Last night The Boy and I watched Food Networks Halloween Challenge. We missed the first episode, so they were down to four teams. My Man even came up to watch with us but threatened to leave because he said we were talking and bickering too much. We were not! The Boy is on his Fall Break, so he is out of school Monday and Tuesday. Due to my “issue” we did not make any plans for the four-day weekend. So I told him we could go to Costco. He was not impressed. What? What?
People have been asking me how I am doing and I have been saying ok. I am not sure what else to say. This round has been a little bit different then the last three. For example, I am still getting nauseous. In the past, I was over it by now. It isn’t to intense, I take my meds and about 30 minutes later I am ok. But it is still happening. Being tired as well, isn’t as intense but just lasting longer. I haven’t had many of the sudden burst of energy that I had in the past. I also have been having more headaches than before. On the plus side, I was able to start drinking coffee right away (or never stopped). In the past it had taken me about a week before I could stomach the idea of it. Overall though, I consider myself very lucky. I have not thrown up once and never lost my appetite.
Today’s bike ride was a bit harder than yesterday’s. Legs were tired. I did get to finish the episode of Vampire Diaries I missed and watched the first few minutes of Boardwalk Empire. I love that show! Tomorrow, I am meeting with The Boy’s teacher for parent teacher conference and then later The Boy and I have a movie day.
Have a wonderful night Readers!
How could he not be impressed with Costco? I get giddy with excitement over that chocolate dipped ice cream thing.
The Boy is Crazy!
You are awesome most people taking chemo do not get through it the way you have, you are strong love you lots. Have a great day with Aidan and enjoy the movie. Love you lots Momee
Keep marching to that drummer no matter, you have faced chemo and kicked it. Have fun with Aidan. Love you lots Momee
Wow the first reply came up. So now you have three from Pete.
Chemo being cumulative, it is not surprising this time is hitting you harder..I have to say…there is no way I would have been able to work out a week after my fourth chemo amaze me and inspire me
Ok…I enjoyed some OJ for you…now please enjoy a cup of coffee for me?! I miss my morning java…sigh…
Now give yourself a little break. You’ve been battling long and hard:)
Yeah those ladies said it…RSR!!!
Popsicles were my salvation all the way through. You have flown through this like a pro, making the rest of of whips. Days after round 4 I could barely get my head off the pillow. You are truly the Queen of Chemo. You slayed it! Stay on top of the nausea meds. Take the, before you get nauseous. Don’t wait for it to take the drugs.
You are Rolling and winning like the Tide! RSR! Roll Shay Roll! You are #1!
Thank You Gerri! I really do think being in the hospital for chemo is why I am doing as well as I am. They kept me pumped up with enough “goodies”. Glad to be home though!
Geri is right ! RSR you go girl!