Happy Wednesday Reader’s!
Only two more days till Friday and a three-day weekend! Woot! Woot! Are you doing anything special for Memorial Day? Our very good friends/The Boy’s God Parents are doing down in Friday and will be staying the weekend with us. The Boy’s big day is on Saturday and we are having people over to Hotel Yorba for swimming and grilling. It should be a lot of fun with good weather (fingers crossed) and good food.
The Boy got a gift and some $$$ form his Nana Pete and Papa today in the mail. He has been working on his legos ever since! Loves working on them. The $$$ will go into his college fund because nothing is as fun as a good college education!
O Tuesday we hung lights in the screened in porch. I have been wanting to do it for years and finally decided to just buy the damn things. It got a bit crazy but we got them up and I love them! Makes the porch come alive! My Man did most of the work and he did a good job.
We are heading down to the Braves games in a bit. It should be a good game, they have won the last two games in the series. Let’s go number three!! Go Braves!
Pet Cam
Isn’t Kobie a cutie!?! I love to watch his little legs run!
Shout Out!
I want to give a shout out to my Uncle Roone. He is done with round 2 of chemo and is starting to feel the oh so wonderful side effects of the crap (good crap cause it will save your life but crap just the same). Hang in there!!
Also to Tammy R.! I know she should be getting new boobies soon (so jealous). Let us know how you are doing Tammy! And I want to see how our hair is growing in!!
Be Good Y’all!
That is an interesting name for Timber’s new pal. I am glad that Aidan likes his gift and that we are helping with his college education. This weekend we will be watching the “500” as all good Hoosier do know matter where they are living. Have fun this weekend, tell Andy and Dee the Alabama Grinkmeyers say Hi. Love you lots,lots,lots Momee
Forgot to tell you that I like the lights in the screen in porch.
I like the lights too!
First I must say those lights look awesome!
And yes! Implant exchange surgery June 2…I’m sooooo excited to finally get it done:) these tissue expanders are NOT comfy. Haha my hair is a wild mop…not complaining….I love having hair!!!! I’m going for a little trim tomorrow. I must say I do get a LOT of compliments on it being short. Yours looks cute also. Be sure to post pics of the new color!
Love the lights! I think I would quite enjoy sitting there with some yarn and a glass of Prosecco on a summer’s eve. Kobe is a cute pup..where does he live when he isn’t posing for a photo shoot? Hope you have a wicked fun weekend.. Will be looking forward to lots of pics