And Then the Sh*t Hit the Fan…I mean Floor…

This morning I took The Kids for their annual visit. Well, in Pandora’s case it more like her 1 year 6 months visit. Mom got a little side tracked there. Some Good news: Getting them in their carrying cases wasn’t to bad. Shout out to Simon who did wonderful! The ride to the Vet was a bit noisy but nowhere near as bad when I use to take Tommy. Panny was  the louder of the two.



We have been going to Paws Whiskers & Claws since they opened. The ladies of PWC’s are wonderful! The have helped us out on so many different occasions with our four cats. I highly suggested anyone with a cat who lives in ATL to go see them.


We decided that Panny would go first since we knew she has issues with getting her claws trimmed. We got her out of her carrier ok and although she was tense, she was ok. Well….for about 3 seconds. Then all hell broke loose! Dr. G had to call for assistance and then took out the gloves! Leather Gloves!!!


I had never seen these before!! They both wore them while one held her down, with a towel wrapped around her head (Panny’s), me tapping my finger nails on the table to distract her, and Dr. G clipping. There was hissing and screaming and fighting to break free. I was in shock! Panny was pissed! Dr. G and Ingrid didn’t bat an eyelash…well, maybe one or two but can you blame them? I was kinda loud.


Next it was Simon’s turn. He was very clam when we took him out and hardly moved when Dr. G clipped his claws. Such a good boy. That is until it was time to draw blood. Oh Hell No! He said. He started to freak! And then he lost all control. Yep, my cat, pooped all over the table while hissing, screaming and trying to break free. They ended up getting two people to hold him down while Dr. G took his blood. It was a mess! Like really! A mess! Poop on the table, Poop on the floor!

Don't Judge Me!

Don’t Judge Me!

When it was all done, I took them out to the lobby and of course it was full of people! Ugh! They all said it was ok, it happens with their cats, no judging. Yes, we were sooo loud that the people in lobby heard us loud and clear. There was judging…I could see it in their eyes!

I took The Kids back home and neither of them wanted anything to do with me. When I got back home later, Panny, came to say hi and Simon…well, I am still getting the stink eye from him.

Oh! Panny has to have a tooth taken out. Thank goodness they will sedate her and I will not be there.