My Hotel Yorba Give Away!

My Hotel Yorba Give Away!

Room 206

Room 206

Reader’s! My Hotel Yorba and doing its first ever giveaway! Woot! Woot! Over the next three days, three people (total) will have a chance to win their own Hotel Yorba key chain. I know right!?!

Here is what you need to do:

1. Comment on the next three days posts. You can comment as often as you want. Tell me what you like. Don’t like. What you want to see more of on the Blog. Do want to see an interview with Timber or Turbo? You tell me…as many times as you want.

2. I will remind you each day to comment. The contest will end Tuesday night @ midnight. On Wednesday morning, The Boy will randomly choose one person from each day’s comments as the winner. To make it fair and scientific, he will have his eyes closed.


One of these could be yours!

3. Once the winners are picked, I will announce it on the blog. Now go enter to win!

Look what we got!


Doesn’t the sign rock? My Man’s Dad, Bob, sent this to us on Thursday. We were all excited when it came but had to wait a day to come up with ideas where to put it. I think The Boy wanted to put it into his room. Uh No. My Man suggested we drill it to the basketball post in the driveway. I pointed out that he hates that basketball post and has wanted to take it down since the day we moved in. Plus that would in tail a drill and who knows if we have one of those. We decided to hang it up in the screened in porch. I think it fits in perfectly.

Bob has sent us almost all of our Hotel Yorba items. We even have beach towels!  I love that he gets it! Thank you again Bob!! You need to come down and visit us soon.

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Hotel Yorba Landscape Project Update

We got our first quote from Green Acres Landscaping, Inc. yesterday. At  first it wasn’t as high as I thought it would be but then I realized it did not in include the new fence, removal of a tree or the chicken coop. So who knows what it will cost. We also have a few questions for them so I am thinking a second meeting is warranted. I am impressed with their turn-around time. We have yet to hear from WDesign Landscape Inc. I am planning on giving her till Monday before I e-mail. That will give her a week and unlike Green Acres Landscaping, Inc., she is planning on sending us a mock-up design. Which we also want from Green Acres Landscaping, Inc! We have one more meeting set up for Tuesday with Dream Scape Designs.

Timber and Pandora

Getting closer

Getting closer

Timber and Pandora’s relationship is slowly moving a long. He whines whenever she comes is the room and she flops down and shows him her belly. They are getting closer and closer when napping or chilling in my office. I know Timber so badly wants to snuggle up close with her but is being a gentleman.

Shout Outs

Amy & Tommy A.- The dinner you made was off the chain! My Boys loved the beef brisket. Even I had some and it was so good. The potatoes and corn salad were wonderful! Thank you for thinking us!

Andy & Dee B.- Tom’s Mom’s Cookies?! Directly from Harbor Springs! I can still remember waking up to the smell of their cookies a few years ago. Love Harbor Springs and love you two more!

Day 4 (maybe my last!) of the chemo Tour

Good day! How are you guys? I am doing ok. My Man and I had a good nights sleep thanks to RN Maggie. She was great! Very quiet. Justin said he even sleep pretty well. I have requested Maggie for tonight too. At the moment, I have having my 5th cycle of chemo. Only one more to go! That means, if all goes well, I will be going home sometime tomorrow! WOOT! WOOT! People!

We got up around 7:30am and kinda laid around. What else do you do? Around 8am I got cleaned up and into today’s PJ’s. My Man went to find a good cup of coffee and some yummy treats to share. Which was a good thing. The bagel I ordered was stale. Ick! I then got tired and slept on and off till about noon. Crazy how tired the meds they give you can make you. It’s not like I do much while I am here!

After I woke up, I talked to my Dad, who is installing a new screened in door on our screened in porch. He is also painting it red! (Thanks Dad!). The Boy was in the background giving him tips and making sure he was doing it right. Nice to know things haven’t change since I am gone. Talked to my Mom and she had been cleaning (THANK YOU) the house. She said all the kids are good but that Turbo my be going broody. She has never done this before. It is usually Poppy. It could be that they are both just hot, the weather has been crazy hot and humid here.

Tomorrow is the first day of school for The Boy. I am sad that I will miss it but happy I should be home when he gets home. I am afraid he is going to have a rude awaking when Nana Pete comes and wakes him up at 6am!

My Man and The Boy have come down for a visit. My Boy and I went for a walk around the floor and met some of the RN’s and staff. Now he is watching a movie on my iPad and My Man is on the computer. House Hunters International is on the TV. All we are missing is Panny, Simon and Timber!! I miss them all. I know that Panny would love sleeping on the bed with me. She would like it when I moved the bed up and down.

Reader’s! I hope you are havig a great day and living life large!!!

Timber’s First Vet Visit

I took Timber to his first Vet fist at Powers Ferry Animal Hospital. The hospital is very close to our home so we have driven by it a lot, so I thought we should give it a try.

Car ride to the vet

Car ride to the vet

As always, Timber was super excited about the car ride.

Powers Ferry Animal Hospital

Powers Ferry Animal Hospital

As usual, we got to the vet early, so I took Timber for a walk around the parking lot and dog run area. Timber was excited about all the new smells and did his part in letting everyone he had been there.

Front desk

Front desk

The hospital is about a year or two old. It use to be located in strip mall close by until the built a brand new hospital. I was shocked the see the place was carpeted! Luckily, Timber was on his behaver and did not have an accident. The women at the front desk were all very nice and commented on how handsome and well-behaved Timber was. I said Thank You (like I had anything to do with it). We only had to wait for about a minute after we checked in before we were led to the examination room.

Waiting for our turn

Waiting for our turn

Once again, the room was carpeted and everything was fresh and new. It didn’t smell like dog or cats to me but once we entered the room, Timber’s nose went crazy. He was smelling every nook and cranny. I wish he could tell me who all had been there!

Our room

Our room

The Tech came in and asked a few questions about Timber. She also asked if he had been microchipped. I said no, cause that would be something I knew right? She then took him back to weight him and take his temperature. He came back and guess what! He is microchipped! What? She showed me the wand thing they use and sure enough a code popped up when she waved it over his back. She gave me information so I could register him with Super cool! Timber weights 84 pounds. Oh pickles!

Being a good dog.

Being a good dog.

Next the Vet came in. His name is Dr. Miller and the first thing did after shaking my hand, was get down on the floor to meet and pet Timber. Timber was like, hi, and stayed by me. I told him it was ok and he went over to him. Dr. Miller was very nice. He looked at his teeth and felt all over him. When it came to checking Timber’s hips, Timber thought it would be best to climb onto my lap. Hold On! He basically was half on me while the hip examination went on. His hips are in good shape, which is great because that is an area of concern for German Shepard’s. Dr. Miller said he didn’t think Timber looked over weight, but would rather see German Shepard’s a little skinny due to the potential hip issues. He then told me he had two dogs who were overweight! The shoemaker always has the worst looking shoes deal.

Timber and Dr. Miller

Timber and Dr. Miller

Overall our experience at Powers Ferry Animal Hospital was wonderful. We will continue to take Timber there. My goal for Timber is to lose a little weight, he and My Man need to get out there and run more. Maybe when the heat index isn’t over 100 they can start! If you live in the area and need a Vet for your dog, check them out. If you need a Vet for your cats check out Paws, Whiskers and Claws. They work with just cats and are wonderful!


Random Acts…

The rest of my Monday went well. I enjoyed speaking with my clients. They were all very sweet and understanding regarding my situation. I have some great clients!

Timber Wolf
Timber’s trip to spa was great. It is insane that the dog has any fur left on him. The amount that came off was incredible. The grommer said we could have outfit a few hairless Chiwawa’s with all the fur that came off him. He is so soft and smells so fresh now! Plus his mani/pedi looks great. The Grommer kept going on and on about how well-behaved he is. He is such a good boy!!

Clean & Fresh!

Clean & Fresh!

His bandana had skulls on it and matches his name tag. This morning he is going to the Vet for the first time. I hope it goes well. I am pretty sure it will, he is very well-behaved. I am hoping that he has lost a few pounds. When we first adopted him, he weighted about 80 pounds. One of the ladies who works with the rescue, said that he needed to lose a little weight. I will make sure to take some pictures of the visit.

I have packed all my clothes for trip to the hospital. I have started working on packing my “goodie, don’t go insane” bag. Here are a few things I have packed so far.

You can never have enough TP at the hospital!

You can never have enough TP at the hospital!


I have a few more things to pack and I will try not to freak out like usually do before I go anywhere. I did go to Target and two new pillow cases for our “hospital pillows”.

Radom Act of Kindness

So there I was loading my purchases from Costco in my car, when a lady who was at least 69+ comes over and starts helping me load my car. I was so taken back! I mean she was grabbing some heavy shit. I told her she didn’t need to do that and in a very older southern woman way, she shooshed me and continued to help me load my car. I thanked her when we were done and she took my cart away. I was totally shocked and couldn’t understand why she helped me out. I then saw my reflection in the mirror, I was wearing a baseball hat and totally screamed chemo patient. I decided then and there to be nicer to strangers. I am sure even with being a chemo patient I was stronger than this woman but she helped me out anyway. The least I could do is the same.

Shout Outs:

Nicki W.- You rock girl! I LOVE my necklace and am wearing it right now! And to remember The Girls! How cool is that?!?! Thank you for your kind words and for thinking of me and my family. Miss you.

Phil & Kathy M.- Thank you for my Coke a Cola goodies! The socks look very warm and I am going to have to fight The Boy for the bear!!