Random Thoughts and Observations

Morning Reader’s!

I hope the sun is shining where you call home. It is here in the ALT. The weather for the past few days has been gorgeous! Makes waking up nauseous not so bad!

As a blogger I read a lot of different blogs and over the past week have found two websites I thought looked really cool and want to share with you. If any of you have ordered anything from either of them, please let me know. I am tempted to but not sure who to order from first.



This is a website where you can order books, notecards, posters, prints and framed pictures of your Instagram photos! I was so excited when I saw this. I love using Instagram app and some of my favorite pictures are from there. I love the idea of making note cards from them and using those as thank you cards or you  have been on my mind cards. I also am thinking of ordering a 12×12 of four pictures or nine of my favorite pictures. Some of The Boy, The Girls, The Kids, Me and My Man. The blog I read about the company on, was very happy with her purchase. She chose the 12×12 frame of nine pictures.


Change Of Art

At Change of Art, you can order frames that have made changing the art, photograph, etc., so easy! Putting a photo in a large matted farm can be a pain in the ass! The picture always moves by the time you get the backing placed and closed! Then you find the speck of dust on the glass and have to start all over again! Change of Art has made it super easy by having an area on the back of the frame where you just slide the picture in! No opening the frame. Love it! Shipping is only $7.00 and that is for up to 6 frames via Fed Ex. I think this is perfect for Mom’s out there who have kids who love art. You could “commission” an abstract piece, cutout a section of it and boom! You have a nice framed picture. You could do one for each season using seasonable colors. I may just have to do this myself!

Random Thoughts and Observations

  • So the other night when I got in bed, I realized I never took a shower and I was totally ok with it.
  • I saw that one of the cats puked on the floor in the bedroom. I was in the middle of something but when I went back to clean it up, it was gone. I looked at Simon, who looked at Timber. I was totally grossed out for 2 seconds. Then pleased that I wouldn’t have to clean it up.
  • I love saying “Chicken Butt” and feel I am allowed to say more than your average person since I own two chicken butts.
  • It’s Caturday!   https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=1392986487602962
  • RTR!

Shout Outs!

Dedra- You Rock! Thank you for helping My Man and I out earlier this week. You went above and beyond!

Liz & Jayson G.- Thank You!!!


Talented Family…

My Talented Family

My Dad!

My Dad!

I have some really talented people in my family. I am going to tell you about two of them today. First is my Dad, Kerry J.Grinkmeyer. He has written a children’s book called The Christmas Web. The following is an explanation on how the tradition came about.

The day after Thanksgiving, 1992, we introduced the Christmas Web in our home with the placement of Magic Wands into their socks that had for years been hung at the fireplace mantel. Attached to each Magic Wand was a piece of yarn (a 70 yard piece of yarn). When our two teen-aged children came down Christmas morning, they found that the yarn was wound through the house – around window latches, door knobs, chairs and doors. It ended in a closet or cabinet which held their special Christmas gift from one of Santa’s elves, an elf who had been looking out for them for the past year and knew of their desire for this special Christmas gift.– From The Christmas Web website.

The Christmas Web

The Christmas Web



He has been chosen by Wal-Mart for their Get On the Shelf contest and he needs your help! Please go to the website daily and vote! If he gets enough votes, he will move on to the next level of the competition. The link will take you to the page where you can vote daily.

My SIL, Ginger!

My SIL, Ginger!

Next is my sister-in-law Ginger Grinkmeyer. I have known Ginger since we were both 17, so really she is my sister. Anyway, she has always been very talented. Getting a gift from her, is an event. You feel bad opening them since the wrapping it’s a piece of art on its own. She has a thriving business down in Santa Rosa Beach, FL, called The Workshop. Her website, Spools of Twine, also sells some of her art.


She was recently featured on the SolWal website. It is a wonderful article about her and the workshop. There is also a great video at the end of article. Please go look at it. If you are down in Santa Rosa Beach (50 Uptown Grayton Circle, #3, Grayton Beach, Florida 32459) or near the area go check out her store. You will be happy that you did!

I love my family and you should too! :)