Damn Reader’s!!! It is cold out there!!
We woke up to 6 degree weather here in the ATL. The sun is out, so it will hopefully warm up a bit. I was able to get The Girls into the cat carriers last night. I would like to say it was easy but then I would be lying! The Boy was in charge of getting Timber locked into our room while I brought them in. I wish I had been able to take a picture of Panny’s face when I came inside with them. She was like “What the…”
We placed them into our bathroom in the basement facing each other. They usually sleep on top of each other so I felt a little bad that they had to sleep separated last night but at least they could see each other.
This morning we woke up bright and early to bring Timber to the vet for his annual wellness check up. Me and The Boy (school was cancelled!) got Timber into the car early and drove to the vet. When we got there they weren’t even open yet so we hung out in the warm car.
Timber did a wonderful job at the vet. He got a mani/pedi while he was there. He gained 1.5 pounds since June. Oh No! We discussed changing his food and lowering the amount of treats he has been getting. He got four shots and didn’t bat an eye. I was so proud! When we cam home, The Boy and I woke The Girls up and took them outside. It is still cold but the wind isn’t bad and the sun is out. We had to give them more water (which I put in the coop) since all of their water was frozen. I will monitor them today and see how they do in the weather.
I hope everyone is staying warm. I just keep thinking about Saturday when the high will be 63 degrees out! Of course it wall raining but whatever….