
Damn Reader’s!!! It is cold out there!!

We woke up to 6 degree weather here in the ATL. The sun is out, so it will hopefully warm up a bit. I was able to get The Girls into the cat carriers last night. I would like to say it was easy but then I would be lying! The Boy was in charge of getting Timber locked into our room while I brought them in. I wish I had been able to take a picture of Panny’s face when I came inside with them. She was like “What the…”

We placed them into our bathroom in the basement facing each other. They usually sleep on top of each other so I felt a little bad that they had to sleep separated last night but at least they could see each other.

Snug as a bug in a Paul Frank rug.

Snug as a bug in a Paul Frank rug.

This morning we woke up bright and early to bring Timber to the vet for his annual wellness check up. Me and The Boy (school was cancelled!) got Timber into the car early and drove to the vet. When we got there they weren’t even open yet so we hung out in the warm car.

Waiting in the warm car for the vet to open.

Waiting in the warm car for the vet to open.

Timber did a wonderful job at the vet. He got a mani/pedi while he was there. He gained 1.5 pounds since June. Oh No! We discussed changing his food and lowering the amount of treats he has been getting. He got four shots and didn’t bat an eye. I was so proud! When we cam home, The Boy and I woke The Girls up and took them outside. It is still cold but the wind isn’t bad and the sun is out. We had to give them more water (which I put in the coop) since all of their water was frozen. I will monitor them today and see how they do in the weather.

I hope everyone is staying warm. I just keep thinking about Saturday when the high will be 63 degrees out! Of course it wall raining but whatever….

Just call Saul….

Mr. White

Mr. White

I have sixteen more treatments reader’s till I am all done with my radiation. This week as been tough. I am very tired, my head is very fuzzy and I have been waking up with headaches. Not fun. This week has been busy or feels busy because I have no energy but only two more days to go till the weekend. On Sunday my parents are coming into town, then my mother in law and brother and his family on Sunday. It is going to be full at The Hotel Yorba. I have decided not to stress about cleaning the house till Saturday. I just can’t deal with it right now.

I am happy to say that I don’t have a burn area on my chest yet. I hope it won’t be too painful. I see a gentleman at clinic everyday and his neck looks pretty burnt. Poor guy. He must have had some kind of throat cancer. Today I met the lady you has the treatment slot in front of me. We see each other as she is leaving the room and I am going in. We ended up waiting for our cars together and she introduced herself to me. Her name is Robin and she has a total of six weeks of treatment. She has a form of breast cancer. Instead of chemo treatments, she going to take a chemo pill for like five years! She was really nice.

Hair Update 2013

My eyebrows are all grown back and my eyelashes are coming along. I am also back to shaving my legs. I have some serious fuzz growing on my head too. My Man said I was like his own little chia pet. “Everyday I check to see how much your hair has grown!” Cha Cha Chia!  I am going to give my fuzz a few more days to grow and then I will post a picture.

Mr. White

I have finally gotten with it and started watching Breaking Bad. My Man got the DVD’s from a few friends and was obsessed with watching it for three weeks in November. He then moved the Blue Ray player up to the bedroom so that I would watch them.”you must watch it so I have someone to talk about it with!” I am currently on season 2, episode 8. Poor Jessie gets the shit beaten out of him all the time. I really feel for the guy. So far I am really enjoying the show. My Man says season 3 is even better.

Are you a Breaking Bad fan? What are you watching that you love? 

I’m gonna throw it out there!


How are you today? It is another fine day her in the ATL. We all slept in late today and got a slow start to our day. Now the crock pot is on and cookin’ Chicken Chili Chowder and football is on the TV. The Girls have been given their snack and The Boy found an egg from Turbo.

Yummy Good!

Yummy Good!

I then made Trader Joe’s Pumpkin bread. Here is a tip. Instead of using oil, use 1/2 cup of puréed pumpkin. The folk’s at Trader Joe’s told me about this and it makes the bread very moist and it is healthier for you!

Keeping in the pumpkin theme, The Boy and I carved a pumpkin for Halloween. I bought three pumpkins (for under $4.00 each) at Trader Joe’s. Two of them are being used in the family room as decoration and one will be placed outside.

IMG_3030 IMG_3032 IMG_3033This the one The Boy and I carved up.




IMG_3027 IMG_3028

The Boy drew out his face but was not happy with it. We used a sharpie. Opps. So, we went kind crazy with the carving. We then decided to paint the pumpkin too.

Waiting for the paint to dry...

Waiting for the paint to dry…



As I told you earlier this month, The Man and I have given up alcohol for a month. So far it hasn’t been bad but this weekend, I would have loved a glass of wine. My Man is also running every day in the month of October! I am so proud of him. Even when I was in the hospital he ran.

I’m gonna throw it out there!

Since I am feeling better and better each day and I feel like a rollie pollie, I have decided that I would ride the exercise bike for at least 30 minutes or more everyday till my surgery. I hope as the days go on, I will be able to ride longer and at a higher resistance. This will also include days I go to the gym. (Going to try to start seeing SK next week.) I did my 30 minutes today at a resistance level of 5. So, now that I have told you, I have to do it! :) Make to ask me about it (that way I will do it).