We have GREAT Friends!!

We have great friends. We just do. Saturday My Man and I went out to dinner with our friends Chad and Kristen. Chad just turned the big (not really big) 35 and we went to 4th and Swift to celebrate. My Man and I had never been there and were looking forward to it. I took a nap in the afternoon and took a lot medicine so I could make it through dinner. It was all very Yummy!

C & K bought me a cook book that has lots of yummy recipes in it and some lotion for me while I am going through Chemo. After looking through the cook book on Sunday, I told my parents that they will be doing some cooking while I am at the hospital. The book lists recipes for every icky feeling one might be going through. Plus it tells you what you should be eating while in the hospital to keep your strength up before the side effects kick in. Chad told me they went to the mall and told the Clinique saleswoman what I was going through and this is the lotion she suggested. I am forcing myself not to use any yet.


For The Boys birthday, his Uncle Adam was cool enough to send him a pair of Skull Candy headphones. They rock. So I asked My Man if he would ask Adam to send me a pair for the hospital trip. Adam works for Astro Gaming and his company does design work for Skull Candy. Well, he sent us four pair!! WOW! They are sooo cool. I will guarantee that there will be a bit of a fight over them. But I call the cool blue Paul Frank pair. They will workout perfectly when I watch movies and True Blood on my iPad.

Skull Candy!

Skull Candy!

Rebecca got me four new skull scarves to wear. With them and the headphones, I will be rockin’!! So, as of 4:15pm, no news on the port placement. It has to be tomorrow I guess. Have a good night!!

Good Morning!

Good Morning!

Love! Got this from Kysha!!

Love! Got this from Kysha!!

The last few days here have been kinda crazy. I had all these plans for things to take care of, to do and to buy but they have hit a brick wall. I have been sick for the last 4 days. It has sucked!!! I have the coughing (the kind that hurts your chest), running nose, sore throat (losing my voice) and body aches. For those who have been sending me texts and FB questions, that is why I have been MIA. This morning I am back to 70%. My voice isn’t so weak and when I talk, I am not breaking out into a coughing fit. Yesterday I kept yelling at my nieces “No laughing! No laughing!”. Which just made us all laugh more and brought on another coughing fit by me. Funny but it hurt.

Some of you have asked how the port placement went. Well, it didn’t. They are still trying to fit me in. If I didn’t feel like Poo, I think I would be really pissed off right now. But whatever. They all know when I am checking in, so I will let them deal with it. This gives me more time to feel better. I do not want my treatment to be postponed by some stupid cold.

How cool is this??

How cool is this??

How cool are those Pez? The Boy wants them so bad. Or at least the candy. He wanted to open the package….not on your life! Thank you Jennifer!

Today I am going to try to get more rest, do some work for my JOB and wash some clothes I will need for my hospital stay. Any suggestions on what I should bring? I am bringing every electronic I can think of. Please have been asking me what I need and I have no idea. Do you??

Have a great day!

Care Package!!!


I got a care package from my friend Jennifer and her family. Thank you!!! I was planning on buying some tooth brushes for the hospital and needed to find a new book to read. The two she picked out are perfect for me! Now, I have to decide which one to read first. As for the Snuggie….I am a loss for words! I do know one boy who will be green with envy when he finds out I got one! And I know two little kitties who will be all over me when I wear it. It is very soft and cozy! Thank you again Jennifer, Ari & Jordy!

My friend Dee asked about the toothbrushes. Chemo can give some people sores in their mouth and their gums can become very sensitive. Therefore you want super soft toothbrush and lots of them because of possible bleeding. Gross, I know.

Getting Ready

Today I went Target with The Boy and My Nieces to buy items for The Big C. I bought two scarfs.

IMG_2519 IMG_2518

I then bought my own barf bucket and liners. The “bucket” happens to be a large version on a red solo cup. The liners are just trash bags. I thought is would be easier for My Man. The Boy loves the “bucket”. He likes to wear it on his head.


We then met My Man and my friend Rebecca for dinner. She came back to our place and we looked up videos on how to tie scarves. Here are a few of my favorites.




I think I need a few more scarves, I have three so far. I will also have to practice on tying them or Rebecca will need to come over at 8am every morning to help me! I forgot to buy a thermometer…that is next item to get.

The Big C

Hi Y’all

Today I went to the doctor. It was me, My Man, The Boy and our two nieces. We got there around 1:30pm and didn’t leave till 5:15pm! First let me say, the kids did a wonderful job. Probably better than me and My Man. My oldest niece is 13 years old and took charge of the other two. They toured the hospital, hit the cafe and gift shop. They all had at least two electronics each.

Ok, about the appointment. Here are the facts:

  1. The tumor has doubled in size.
  2. I will be taking the “balls to the walls” chemo.
  3. I will have a port put in on Monday.
  4. Thursday I will go in and get more “labs” done, meet with the Dr. and then check into the hospital.
  5. I will be there for about 5 days.
  6. I will lose my hair. I will hallucinate. I will lose weight. I will puke. What FUN!!!

After the 5 days I will go home and have about 3 weeks before we do it all again. After the second session, they will do another CT scan. HOPEFULLY the chemo will kick the tumors ass and the f-ing thing will shrink and die. After the chemo is all done, they will probably do some radiation to shirk it till it is all gone.

Ok, that is all I got! Have a good night!

Some News

Me and The Boy

Me and The Boy

Hi Ya’ll

I hope you are having a great summer. It has been very raining here in the ATL so we have not had much time to enjoy the pool renovations we had done in May. But it sure looks pretty (from our kitchen window while it is pouring down rain).

I know I have been AWOL for a while and there is a reason. Right after My Man and I got back from our wonderful trip to Quebec City, I found out my cancer had come back. The last three weeks have been spent going to doctors, having CT scans and a biopsy done. It has been a rollercoaster of emotions for me, My Man and The Boy. I will learn more on Thursday but chemo is in my future. Not sure about radiation. At this point I am just ready to get a plan in place and start treatment.

I will be updating my progress here on the blog. If you have any questions please ask them here. I may have questions myself for you! I have never gone through chemo or radiation and am not sure what to expect. I do have many friends who have, so they will be a big help but I could use all the advice I can get!

In other news….My brother and his family are coming into town today. Looking forward to seeing them!