Done! Done! Done!

Hey Reader’s!

Yummy Iron Horse!

Yummy Iron Horse!

So I am done! Done! Done! Done! Tuesday was my last radiation treatment. I went in and the techs were so excited for me. After I got zapped, I got two big hugs from them. I thanked them for being so nice to me, for not minding when I came straight from the gym (stinky) and for being so kind to The Boy. I then went and thanked the ladies at the front desk. They had been so nice to me. I then got to ring the last treatment bell. Everyone clapped and cheered for me. I had to hold back tears but when I got in my car, I just cried. I called My Man and left a voice mail telling him I was all done and that I was crying ( I think he had figured that one out) and did he want anything from Costco.  I guess I was just so happy to be done with it all. It was like the world had been lifted from my shoulders and I could not stop the tears.

That night My Man and I celebrated with a bottle of Iron Horse. And on Wednesday, I caught a cold. I mean really?? One day off radiation and I get sick? That is why I did not post anything last night. I went back to work on Wednesday but by the evening I felt like shit. My Man even alluded to (in the nicest way possible) that I in fact I looked like shit! I was in bed and asleep by 8:30pm.

Nose bleed

Nose bleed

As I am writing this, my nose is bleeding. Second one in two days. UGH! I think it is all due to the crazy weather we have been having. One day it is 8, three days later 62 and now back to the 30’s and 40’s. My sinus’ are not happy!

The Majestic 

Last week The Girls had the roof on the run extended and they are loving it. I am too. No more ruined food and wet, soggy run when it rains.


"I Love it!"

“I Love it!”

I have been thinking about what kind of chickens I will get soon. I am looking for two girls who are near the size of Turbo and Poppy and who are not too aggressive. I do not want to make Turbo mad, she is the head hen and needs to stay that way. I want a good layer and non broody hen.

Plymouth Rock

Plymouth Rock







Any suggestions?


Damn Reader’s!!! It is cold out there!!

We woke up to 6 degree weather here in the ATL. The sun is out, so it will hopefully warm up a bit. I was able to get The Girls into the cat carriers last night. I would like to say it was easy but then I would be lying! The Boy was in charge of getting Timber locked into our room while I brought them in. I wish I had been able to take a picture of Panny’s face when I came inside with them. She was like “What the…”

We placed them into our bathroom in the basement facing each other. They usually sleep on top of each other so I felt a little bad that they had to sleep separated last night but at least they could see each other.

Snug as a bug in a Paul Frank rug.

Snug as a bug in a Paul Frank rug.

This morning we woke up bright and early to bring Timber to the vet for his annual wellness check up. Me and The Boy (school was cancelled!) got Timber into the car early and drove to the vet. When we got there they weren’t even open yet so we hung out in the warm car.

Waiting in the warm car for the vet to open.

Waiting in the warm car for the vet to open.

Timber did a wonderful job at the vet. He got a mani/pedi while he was there. He gained 1.5 pounds since June. Oh No! We discussed changing his food and lowering the amount of treats he has been getting. He got four shots and didn’t bat an eye. I was so proud! When we cam home, The Boy and I woke The Girls up and took them outside. It is still cold but the wind isn’t bad and the sun is out. We had to give them more water (which I put in the coop) since all of their water was frozen. I will monitor them today and see how they do in the weather.

I hope everyone is staying warm. I just keep thinking about Saturday when the high will be 63 degrees out! Of course it wall raining but whatever….

I see snow flurries…

Reader’s!!! It is snowing here in the ALT! I see flurries outside my home office window. Currently the temperature is 26 degrees and falling. By 6pm it will 18 out. Needless to say, we are having two guests checking in to Hotel Yorba tonight. Turbo and Poppy are coming inside! This will be the first time we are bringing them in. We are going to put them into our old hard shell cat carriers and have them sleep in the basement. I hope it all goes well.

Speaking of The Girls, my father-in-law suggested that The Boy and I work on a sign for The Majestic, since I was annoyed with the shipping costs with the ones I found on Esty. This made me remember the chicken art that The Boy made a few years ago with his aunt GiGi.

Miss Chick!

Miss Chick!

Yesterday morning, I found the chicken art, got a hammer and nails and Timber and I went out to wake up The Girls and put up Miss Chick. I think it looks great!


The sign we are going to make will go on the outside of the coop above the nesting box (which the girls sleep in, not lay eggs in) door. We still have some wood from the building of the coop that I plan on using, I just need to cut it down to size. I am not sure what I will do yet…any suggestions? Be warned…I am not crafty.

This is the last day of winter vacation for The Boy. I don’t think he is ready to go back to school but I am! We are heading out to the hospital (six more treatments to go) and then will come home for lunch and I have a 1pm conference call. The Boy asked if we could go to the gym afterwards. I am so pleased that he is getting into working out.

What are your plans this Monday? Are you snowed in? Or is it a same old Monday? 

Work on The Majestic

It’s chilly out there!

Open roof, needs to be covered.

Open roof, needs to be covered.

It is chilly in the ATL reader’s! When I went out to let The Girls out, I found that their water dish had frozen over. The Girls seemed to have had a good night in their coop. Next week Matt, the chicken coop builder, is coming back to cover the remaining part of the roof of the run. The rain has made a mess of that part of the run and their food gets wet and gross and smelly.

Unwanted House Guest

Unwanted Houseguest

The Girls also have a houseguest that just will not leave. We have all had one of those haven’t we? Ha! (Just kidding anyone who has ever visited The Hotel Yorba). Well this little guy and any of his friends need to leave. The Girls are not happy with him and his poop droppings all over their coop floor. Their poop is the only poop allowed or wanted! Matt is going to try to close up the space between the wall and the roof of the coop.

il_170x135.544547102_5pru il_170x135.544112199_2n93I am looking for some cool signage for the coop. I found the two above and they are  only $5.00 each but the shipping is more than the signs! I just can’t get over that so I haven’t bought them yet. I have been searching Etsy for some more cool ones with cheaper shipping costs.

If you are getting slammed with snow, please stay warm and safe. If it is just darn cold like here in the ATL, stay warm! Have a wonderful weekend!


Reader’s! How has your week been? Mine has been busy! I am sorry I have not updated for a few days but the week has zoomed by me. I have been going to my daily radiation treatments (8 down and 19 more to go!) and working. It is a short week for us at The Hotel Yorba. After canceling three trips in the last six months, we have left the ATL for a short family trip. I am writing you from Barnsley Gardens Resort. After today’s treatment, we checked The Boy out of school and head to northern GA. Great thing about Barnsley Gardens is that they allow dogs! Another trip for Timber! I will be posting all about our adventures soon.

It has been raining in the ATL for the last week. The Majestic is a mess and the girls have been wet and are in the middle of molting. Poor things. Poppy looks terrible and she knows it.

Yummy worms!

Yummy worms!


Poppy molting

Poppy molting

I said no pictures!!

I said no pictures!!

Have a wonderful night!