Say goodbye…

…and there it goes…

IMG_4843 IMG_4844

Look at those roots!

Look at those roots!

IMG_4846 IMG_4848

Maybe I will stop here.

Maybe I will stop here.


All gone!

All gone…almost.

Readers, my hair is gone…well almost. I have some fuzz left. Yesterday while I was in the shower washing my hair a small clump came out and I was freaked out. I knew that I was going to have to shave it because I did not want to have that happen again. No waking up with my hair all over my pillow. That would be too much. I will probably use a razor this weekend to get the rest. That picture will not be posted. You wouldn’t think that a little fuzz would make such a difference but it does. Shaving it wasn’t as big deal this time however, it still sucked. My hair was so soft! Hopefully when it grows back, it will be just as soft. Who knows what it will look like next time.

So soft.

So soft.

Me and Simon

Me and Simon rest in on the couch.

Such a good boy.

Such a good boy.

Shout Out

By Eve Sch

By Eve Schaub

Panny can't wait to try it!

Panny can’t wait to try them!

Stephen and Eve S.- Thank you so much for the syrup and maple cream. Since they live in Vermont I know they will taste great! I can’t wait to try them both this weekend. I am very excited to read Eve’s book. She has been on the Dr. Oz Show and Fox News to name a few shows and has been interviewed my countless of newspapers and magazines. Their whole family went an entire year without any sugar! I can’t even begin to think how hard it was…I will know soon though. If you are interested in lowering your sugar intake or stopping all together, take a look at her book. From what I have seen, read and heard, it is a great read.

Whatcha Reading?

Right now I am on a historical fiction kick. I am reading The White Princess by Philipa Gregory. I also read The Kingsmaker’s Daughter. I have read many of her books in the past that focused on the Tutor Royal Family aka Henry VIII. I like her books. I know there is a lot of fiction in these stories but they are somewhat educational. They have taught me that being King or Queen or a woman back then kinda sucked. You could trust no one if you are the King because everyone wants you dead and your job. Being a woman just sucked. You are property of your husband and your father before that. If they could only see us now.

The book that kicked off my historical fiction kick was Bittersweet by Colleen McCullough. It takes place in the 1920’s-30’s in Australia and it about two sets of twin female siblings. So four sisters growing up after WWI and the different paths they each take. It was good but I am not sure if the characters are anything like the women of the the time. These women were written as very strong, outgoing, outspoken women and I am just not sure if the women back then were like any of the sisters. Falling in love in one day? Getting married a week later? Telling your husband you are leaving him to live with another man? Telling a man off in public? Marry a gay man so he will fund your medical education? Sure things like that happen now but in the ’20s? I am not sure. Oh! and their father is a man of the Church so, I am just not buying it. That being said, I would recommend it. If anyone reads it or has read it, let me know what you think.

I also read Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty (I wrote about it before). I think I have read all her books to date and this one did not disappoint. It takes place in Australia present day. It focuses on three women and a death/murder in the town, so there is a little mystery. Read it.

Readers, thank you for all the writing suggestions. I will keep them in mind as I think of topics to write about. Have a wonderful Friday! Be Good and Be Safe!

Hair today, gone in a few…

Well, shit.

Well, shit.

Good Day Readers! It has been a few days. I hope they have been good ones for you. I have been riding the roller coaster that is now my life. I have good days, I have bad days. I have energy, I can barely get out of bed. I have a full head of hair, my hair is getting thinner and thinner. I think the razor will be coming out of hibernation later this week. I knew this was coming so it is no surprise but still kinds sucks. At least this time, since it is so short, it won’t take as long.



Yesterday was Round 2 Part 1 for me. I went in had my blood drawn and port accessed. We then met with Dr. D. They said my numbers look really good. That horrible shot got my bone marrow back up and my white and red blood count went up. They are very happy with the way my body recovered from the first round. Good news. We did find out that the bump on my back that is sore and hurts is probably one of the tumors. Wonderful. She did say that if doesn’t shrink all the way, that later they can zap it with radiation. Which is good. Cause it hurts. The main problem is its location. Right under the bra strap. Couldn’t be in a worse place. The strap rubs up against it all day. I hate wearing a bra! So painful!

The infusion center was could and packed. There was no room for My Man to sit so he was stuck in the lobby. That sucked. Luckily I was only in there for about an hour. Right now I am feeling ok although I feel a nap in my future. They said it should be day three before I start to really feel bad. Yeah! Great way to start my weekend!

Shout Outs

Tia B.- LOVE the peanut butter!! it is so good. The Boy loves the chocolate peanut butter the best and I have to admit, he is right. Thank you so much for thinking of us!!


Bob H.- Thank you do much for The Majestic sign! How cool is that!? It is going to look fantastic on the coop. My Man and I will be hanging it up this weekend. I know The Girls are going to love it. Felix too!



Speaking of The Majestic and The Girls, Poppy is hasn’t been her self lately. She has always been smaller than Turbo (she is a chucky one) but she feels even lighter now when I pick her up. She is in the middle of molting (growing new feathers) and is showing all the signs that she is broody except for sitting on top of the eggs her mates lay. She isn’t eating as much as the others and seems like she is stoned. I am not kidding. They tend to get that way when they are broody but usually if you pick them up, they will snap out of it. Not Poppy. She has been sitting on my lap and lets me pet her, which she has never done before. We are not sure how old she is since we bought as an adult hen. Cross your fingers she will snap out of her funk and go back to her regular self.

Terry Pete

Terry Pete



Terry Pete and Zazzles are doing great. They have grown so much and are laying 4 to 5 eggs a week. The eggs are smaller than Turbo’s and one hasa pink look to it while the other is more tan/brown. Plus at night, they roost up in the coop all by themselves, while the other two are in the nesting boxes pooping them all up! Such a proud chicken Mama I am (of the roosters, not the poopers).

It is going to be a hot and rainy day here in the ATL. If you have any suggestions on what you want me to write more about, let me know. I don’t want write about my condition all the time, it gets old!! I am so over it! :)

Be Good and Be Safe Readers!

One Big Sweaty Mess

Good Day Readers!

Me on Friday

Me on Friday

How are you this Monday? I am actually feeling ok. That is big! Huge! Friday I was a mess. Worse day yet. I was down and out for the count. I mainly laid on the couch and tried n to move. Everything hurt. My ears hurt. My toes, my back, my side, my head…oh my bloody head! Massive headache along with a sore throat and clogged ears. My ears!? What is up with that? They have been feeling clogged/stuff etc. almost everyday now. I have heard about other people on the same chemo I am on that also suffer from it. So annoying.

Saturday I felt better until the afternoon. Then my stomach started acting up. Ugh. Grab the tummy meds! Grab the wastebasket! Have I mentioned the sweating? Ick. I am sweating so much during the day/night. We have maroon sheets on the bed and this weekend you could see white sweat lines on them! Gross! I wake up during the night hair soaking wet, shirt and pants wet and wet stain on the pillow. I move closer to My Man to get to a dry spot until I bump up against him. Not fun. Sticky. When I do wake up, I feel like I have run a marathon, sweat and all.

Finally on Sunday I broke out of it (mostly). I had my energy back! Woot! I vacuumed, mopped the pets bathroom floor, cleaned the pets bathroom, put The Boys clothes away, put my clothes (that were piling up so high) away, cleaned the gross shower, cleaned up the kitchen, did work to get ready for work today. And more! I was energized bunny, sweating my entire way through the whole day. I could not stop sweating. Thank goodness My Man had taken The Boy to see a movie so they have to see my hot mess self. It felt so nice to have energy, to do something.

Feeling Better Today

Feeling Better Today

My Man was kind enough to change the (gross) sheets last night so I had some fresh one to gross up. Today I went into the office for work. Shocker! I had a face to face meeting and was worried how I wouldn’t be able to handle it. I had my moments when all I wanted to go was pack up my car, drive home and go to bed. But I kept on going! Go Bunny Go! The meeting went well, I got caught up on some work and I felt like I accomplished something.

Look what I found when I got home!

The Glove state!!

The Glove state!!

How cool is that?! Super cool! Thank you Andy and Dee. You people rock! Can’t wait to see you on Friday! I also received some beautiful flowers from my Great Aunt Doras. She is my GREAT Aunt. She is in her 90’s and is thinking of me. She Rocks!!



Have a wonderful night Readers. Be Good and Stay Classy.

Hair, Hair Everywhere!

Readers, painkillers, when used as instructed by your doctor, can be a marvelous thing. On Tuesday I was able to finally pick up my main pain controller. I had been having to lower my dosage for the past few days due to the fact that I was running out of pills. I got a new prescription last Friday but was not able to get it filled till Tuesday. I was a painful few days. I was a mess. My pain level went from a 3 to 4 up to a 7 or 8. And when I coughed or got the hiccups… sweet son of pickle! It hurt so bad, like being stabbed over and over again in the ribs. Ugh. It sucked!

Now I am not saying life is perfect now, there is still some pain. I got a “booster” shot Wednesday morning. It effects my bone marrow by making it grow and get stronger since it is being depleted from the chemo. This is a good thing but it is such a big boost, it can hurt. Like right now. I am at a pain level of around a 4 or 5 but in the center of my chest there is a pain that throbs and is spreading to my other joints. It is kind of hard to explain and I fear I am not doing a good job at it. Sorry Readers. Anyway, when Candy called me last night (she calls almost every night) she warmed me that this could happen and that I could feel it in my chest area along with other parts. I tell, you if it is not one thing, it is another!

The Boy

A few posts ago I wrote how The Boy got in trouble and was being punished. Can I say that it has been a great week with him! I mean wow! He has been really good at home. Who knows how he is being at school but here he has been great. He gets home, gets a snack and works on the homework he did not do on the bus.


Then we have 20 minute reading time (part of homework). I set out snacks and we both sit at the table and read for 20 minutes together. He is reading a book sores and read through book one pretty quick. He is reading all the time now. One of his punishments is an 8pm bedtime (instead of 9pm) and he gets to stay up till 8:15 reading in bed if we say it is ok. He has his watch that his grandparents gave him and shuts everything off then his time is up. After reading we usually go out to feed the girls and have a talk. We talk about all kinds of things.


Like body hair!! It is a growing Readers! Not only is it growing in his pits, but it is on his legs and toes and other areas too! Woot! We discussed why we have hair and how back in the day people were covered with lots of hair as a form of protection and warmth. How over the generations we humans don’t need as much as we use too and therefore we are not as hairy as we use to be.

How you doin'

How you doin’

Another topic we discussed is 4th grade dating. DATING!! Wait? What? That is what I said to him when he brought it up. He said it was like a rule that you waited mid year to date in the 4th and 5th grades. Everyone knows about it. You know about this, right Readers? Where the hell have I been? I asked him where he would go (pizza place), how would get there (walk), all kinds of details. Needless to say, it was a long conversation and some guidelines (you date when we say you can), rules (you do not make the girl walk or pay) and suggestions (maybe a day movie first) were discussed. Very entertaining.

Thank you Heidi!!

Thank you Heidi!!

Wait. What???

Wait. What???

Refuses to look at me.

Refuses to look at me.

Have a great weekend Readers! Be good to yourself and others!

Round 1 Part 2

New scarf

New scarf

Readers! For yesterday’s chemo treatment I thought I would wear one of my new scarfs and wear some make up. So fancy. What do you think? So pretty! I love the soft pink of the lace. My Man came to the hospital with me today. I took little cat naps. Due to the study they have to check my vitals every 15 minutes for 2 hours! So you really don’t get to get a good nap while you have to open you math for a thermometer and hear monitor.



The infusion center go pretty full while we were there. It is crazy how cold they make it in there. I had a sweatshirt on and two warm blankets. I think next time I will have to wear a warmer jacket. I brought my iPad to read my new book.


I finished The Silkworm and am now reading Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty. So far it is pretty good. I have read many of her is the past and have enjoyed them all. They all take place in Australia so there is a lot of tea drinking going one just like in The Silkworm. makes me want some hot tea!


I thought about down loading a movie or tv show to watch but could find anything that I was interested in. There are TV shows but I know I will get hooked and end up buying the whole season.Am I ready for that commitment? Maybe I should just bite the bullet. Any movie suggestions? Any TV suggestions?

This morning I went in bright and early and got what I am calling my “booster” shot. My immune system will be going crazy  after this second dose and the shot should help me level out and not get too sick. I was super tired driving there (along with having serious stomach cramps) but luckily it didn’t take to long at all (so speedy). The shot was given to me in my stomach and then I was free to go. I came home and proceeded to take an hour nap. I had hoped the shot would have given me some extra energy but not so. Pus the stomach cramps are back. I took some pills for that which will hopefully kick in soon.

New Scarf #3

New Scarf #3

I am going in to my office to look at some paperwork and then I am treating myself and getting my nails done. Hope the nap was long enough to keep me awake! Have a Happy Wednesday Readers!


The Fur was flying!!


Good Morning!

Good Morning!

Readers! How was your weekend? Ours was pretty low-key. I decided to take it easy by not doing too much. There was some yard work done. Sometimes I sit outside drinking coffee or a glass of my green juice while Timber runs around doing his thing. I stare at the bushes and finally had enough and trimmed them. As I written before, I made The Boy help me clean up. He did a pretty good job all weekend. He is under punishment and has taken in very well. He did a lot of playing in the yard and reading. If this punishments gets him reading more than one good thing will come from it.

His buddy aka The Friend, challenged him to the ice water bucket challenge for ALS. He was super excited to do it. I would love to post the video but I am able to do so but if you check on my Facebook page you can see it. He did challenge his Papa, his Uncle and his God Father. Y’all know who you are!! Suck it up and do it or donate to a wonderful cause.

Sleeping Panny

Sleeping Panny

Someone got a spa treatment on Sunday. We can’t have her getting dreadlocks again. My Man likes her patch and wants to keep it! Not sure she would be up for that.

I think she likes it!

I think she likes it!

So much fur!

So much fur!

Spa Time

Spa Time

Monday Morning


Over the weekend Candy called to see how I was doing. The woman never stops working. She asked if I could come in and get some blood taken and pick up a prescription for a drug that will help some of the side effects I am and will be feeling due to tomorrows chemo treatment.

I hope you are having a good monday so far. Looks like it may rain here in the Atl. Be Good, Be Safe.

How am I feeling????

Hi! I am Shay!

Hi! I am Shay!

Readers! Want to know I am doing? I think the picture above pretty much says it all. I feel like shit but I try to keep smiling. “Well what the hell is wrong with you?” You ask. I feel like I have been run over a truck. Over and Over. Manly when I wake up.

When I wake up I have to lay there for a few minutes trying to read my body and how it is feeling. I don’t think things are in the right place when I get up. It is like when I sleep they get up and move around. I start to move and then the organs freak out and start moving back in place and that hurts. I yell in pain and fall back to the bed. I lay there for a bit giving my organs time to calm the f down. Then I slowly but not too slowly move my what up to the siting position. My then my breathing is more like gasping. I have to sit for about 5 minutes trying to settle myself down. All the while, I have to pee like a race horse so that too is kinda pain full. Finally I move to my side table and grab my first pills of the day. Ahh….Drugs…

I thought he was a cute one too.

I thought he was a cute one too.

Yes, Readers, drugs are my friend. I take my pain pills the first thing. I then try to move my neck, shoulder, back and arms around to try to loosen them up. I am so tense and tight when I wake up. Once again. something is going on while I am, sleeping. I finally make it to the restroom about 10 minutes after I first wake up. And I am kind of loud waking up which sucks for the My Man. I am sure it is not the alarm clock he is really wanting to hear bright and early in the morning.

Friday was actually a good day for me. I had a lot of errands to run and was really afraid that I would not be able to do them all without falling asleep or getting really tired while driving. So Rebecca to the rescue. She had some things she needed to do to so it ended up working out perfect for both of us. I drove all the way till the end. She drove home from lunch. I had a 1pm conf. call to get ready for. I did take a little nap before I picked up The Boy from the bus stop. We then had a break before we went to the First Friday at the park. This is a celebration of the first week of school that the school puts on. I rested a little before we went and was able to make it through the party and had a good time. It was hot though!

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Us and a family of turtles

Me, some boys and a large turtle.


My Man and Me

My Man and Me

The Boy ended up spending the night at his buddies house which probably was a good thing. We later found out something he has been doing and well, Mama was pissed. Very upset. He is back home and his life had ended as he knows it. He is very quite and has been hauling branches while I trim the bushes. It will be a long week for us all. Still so mad. Grr.

It is bright and sunny here in the ATL and like I mentioned, I have been working in the yard. The girls are working on eggs and Timber is just so dam happy to be here. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!