Happy Sunday Readers!

Happy Sunday Readers!

How has your weekend been? Ours started out with great news from Dr. D. on Friday. There has been shrinkage! Woot! Woot! There are five tumors that they are tracking. In September one was as big as 9cm. 9cm! No wonder I was in so much pain. I can’t believe it was that big. That one has shrunk down to 5cm. The others have all also shrunk from the September CT scan. Dr. D seemed very pleased. We are all please but I am still freaking out inside. My Man says I need to enjoy the good news and keep thinking about it, not to about all the “What If’s ?” He is right, I do this in other aspects of my life. Something good will happen at work and instead of enjoying it, I think about negative things, “What if my practice doesn’t grow?” What I should be doing is focus on the positive. Ugh. I need to stop but how do I do that? Ideas?

Taken by Lynda Lou

Taken by Lynda Lou

The Boy had a wonderful Halloween. It was pretty chilly here but it did not stop The Boy and his friends from covering a good part of the neighborhood. Since Halloween was on a Friday, he got to spend a lot time trick or treating and got a lot of candy. Around 8pm it started to rain a bit but luckily no snow for the ATL.

Taken by Lynda Lou

Taken by Lynda Lou

My Man told The Boy that we would pay he 20 cents per piece he gave up to us. He was up for it and made out with enough candy and $12.00. We will keep some of that candy but we are also donating some of the candy to the troops. The Boys school is gather candy to send in gift boxes to our troops overseas. We are a gallon zip lock bag full to give.



My SIL is on her way down from MI as we speak to help us for the next week. We are going to go out to dinner tonight and then Round 3 begins on Monday. We have cleaned the house from top to bottom. We have gone to three grocery stores to make sure that we have enough for dinner, snacks and The Boys lunch. Laundry has been done and put away. We have done are best to make sure there will be nothing I may freak out about next week . Monday and Tuesday I should be ok. However by Wednesday it should start to hit me. Hopefully all our preparation will pay off.

The sun is shinning in the ATL right now. It is in the 50’s, up from yesterdays 40’s and no where as windy. Hope you all are doing well. Be well. Be Safe.

Two shots a day…

Readers! How are you doing? I am doing pretty well, finally. Last Tuesday and Wednesday I felt really good. Then on Thursday I was feeling more run down and running out of breath quicker than normal. I would walk up the stairs and have to sit down to catch my breath and it just got worse going into the weekend.

Yesterday was the big CT scan and I was nervous. My parents were in town (to help out) and my Mom came with me. Getting the scan was no big deal, it is just the waiting and my mind not stopping. We got back from the scan around 2 pm and my parents took off to head back home to Birmingham. I ate a late lunch and then sat down to start doing some work. I then got a phone call from my Doctors office telling me I needed to come back into the office because they found blood clots in my lungs. Well shit on a stick. Can we say panic mode?

I got in the car, called My Man told him (not what he needed I am sure) and drove back to doctor’s office. I really didn’t think about anything. I was in a daze. By the time I got into the waiting room, My Man had googled blood clots on lungs and was sending calming e-mails to me. Of course, I was sending back panicking ones to him. Not making him feel to good as he is driving to pick up The Boy. Long story short. I have a couple of blood clots in my lung. Not sure how they got there. Like My Man had told me, common for chemo patients. I was given a prescriptions for a blood thinner that would help dissolve the blood clots. The NP asked me if I had issues with my breathing and I answered yes, it had seem to have gotten harder the past few days. She said that it may in fact be a side effect of the blood clots. I have taken 3 pills so far (two yesterday and one this morning) and I swear I can tell a difference. I felt so much better this morning, no sitting down to catch my breath.

While I was there the NP made a comment that “your scans look fine other than the blood clots”. I was like wait, what? You have the report in front of you? What does it say? She told me that it looks like the areas of concern appeared to have gotten smaller. WoW. Maybe this trip to the office was worth it. Now, I feel great to hear this news, however not till I hear it from Dr. D’s mouth on Friday, will I let it totally sink in (I am pretty sure that Dr. D. will not be happy to hear I found out from the NP). So today, pain wise I feel good, around a 2. Mentally in regards to my cancer, I am at a 6. As always, all fingers and toes are crossed.


Dr. D’s office called around 1pm, she is back in town, turns out she doesn’t want me on blood thinner pills. I guess they conflict with the chemo. So now I have to take 2 shots a day. Wonderful. I am sure My Man will be thrilled.



Pictures from the weekend

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Donut eating contest

Donut eating contest


The Boy and The BF


Really getting into it!

We have a winner!

We have a winner!

Yummy cheese

Yummy cheese

Pete and Simon

Pete and Simon

7 days is a long ass time…


My next five days.

Readers, if were to give my last week a grade it would be a huge, f-ing F. It sucked! Just sucked. This is was my week. I got my port accessed and go into the infusion center on Monday. You have seen pictures of it before.

It’s cold in there. Why is always so dam cold? I am covered in warm blankets. They give me my pre fluids which takes half an hour. Then I get nausea medication. Then I get the chemo which takes three hours. My nausea medication makes me very sleepy, so half the time end up falling asleep, no work for me. When my chemo is done on that first day, I get hooked up to my little friend who will be with me the next 7+ days.

My little friend...

My little friend…


He sleeps with me too.

The first day was long because we first had to meet with Dr. D. at 11:30am. The Boy had Monday and Tuesday off from school that week so he was with us; what a way to spend your mini vay cay. Sorry Boy. I really would rather have been anywhere else.

The Boy an Me

The Boy an Me

My Boys one is reading the Hardy Boys book.

My Boys one is reading the Hardy Boys book.

So after Monday things kind of went to shit. We did not plan for a week of me being umber emotional, tired, stinky, (only sponge bathes and after a few cold ones, who cares any more) having high expectations on the state of house (fur balls having fur balls), having to eat and My Man running back and forth trying to work, picking me up from treatment and oh yeah, we have to pick The Boy up from school, make sure he eats, does homework (homework??) and make sure he bathes too. It was a mess. I was a mess. The pump makes a noise every 24 seconds and at times it is the loudest sound in the room and then at times I had to make sure it was working. It went with me everywhere I went. I had to make special place for it in the car, in the bed, while I peed etc. And as each day went by I just felt worse and worse. And cried more and more.

On Friday everyone at the treatment center were all cheerful saying “Yeah, It’s Your Last Day!” Yeah. No. I got to go two more days of this shit at the hospital. No weekend bullshit for me. One good thing. I got to sleep in. During the week, I had to get up to help Aidan get ready for school and get ready to go into treatment at 8:30am. No sleeping in. And I needed sleep because I was up one or two times a night cause I had to pee. Oh how I hate peeing. (I will say, I didn’t have to keep track of it (like in the hospital) so that was a major plus.) Treatment on the weekend wasn’t until 11:30am. The Boy was spending the night at the BF’s (Thank you Jennifer) so My Man got to stay with me all day on Saturday.

My own TV

My own TV

My Man working.

My Man working.

Hi. It is day 6 and I am not fine.

Hi. It is day 6 and I am not fine.

I liked the hospital treatment center. For one thing, it wasn’t as cold. I walked in there looking like the walking dead but they were still so nice. “Not feeling to well huh Mrs. Hamer”, “Getting enough fluids?” (always with the peeing!) “Getting enough sleep?” My Man liked the hospital infusion because he liked having his own TV for Game Day and the MSU game. On Saturday I slept through most of the treatment. I was so beat. I smelled. I hated peeing. I was so done. I probably broke down in tears 5 different times that day. The Boy spent another night out (reason 3 why I cried) so on Sunday My Man did not stay with me. He went and got the boy and they went shopping…puppy needs his food from Costco.

After my treatment I still had My little Friend with me. I won’t get rid of him till 11:30am on Monday. I drove to the doctors and I should not have been behind the wheel. I was not in any condition to drive but I had to go in and My Man has a job. What are you gong to do?

It is Tuesday and I feel so much better than I did the day before. And this is how it will be. I will feel better as each day goes by till I get to November 3rd and I have to start the whole damn thing over again.

Say hello to my little friend…

My little friend...

My little friend…

So I made through day One of seven Readers…and I feel fine! We head to the doctor around 10:30. My blood work cam back loping good. White blood cells up since my camping trip with the 30 degrees at night during 24 Hours of Booty. Told the doctor about and totally threw The Boy under the bus saying he insisted we stay. What a good mom I am. The Boy had to come with us since he is on Fall break and does not go back to school till Wednesday. What a way to spend your break!

The Boy an Me

The Boy an Me

Dr.D seemed very happy with how I was feeling, my blood work and the fact my pain had lesson. After this treatment is over on Sunday, will go in on Monday to get “MLF” taken off and then later in the week more blood will be drawn. I will have a CT scan on the 27th and go in and see her on the 31st. I feel good about this treatment so far. More so then the trail I was undergoing. Last year, when I was on this treatment, my coughing went down after the first round. I didn’t have a bad cough but what I had has lesson and Dr. D. heard less wezzing in my lungs. Plus, the pain had tone down makes me feel optimistic. I try to not too lingering on this feeling. I want to be very cautious going forward one.

Day 2- Like this morning I had a coughing fit, just out of the blue, no warning. So who know what is going on with me. Sleeping with “MLF” wasn’t to bad at all. I just took him off and laid him next to me. I did have to wake up and the middle of the night to pee but more than in the hospital.

My Boys one is reading the Hardy Boys book.

My Boys one is reading the Hardy Boys book.

Three hours later…I am tired and have had two more coughing fits. I was going to drop off the boy to Math tutor because I wanted to talk to her but I can’t because I am not doing well at all. I have a powerful cough medicate that will knock me out and I think that is what I will have have.My temp is a 99. Pickles!

It counties to rain here in ATL. Hope our friends out west are safe and sound. May you all have a peaceful evening.

Opps…Got that wrong.

Oh Readers, I made a boo boo. Or I was just misinformed. Or I wasn’t paying attention. I called my doctor’s office today to get an update on my blood work. First of all, it turns out that I should have stayed and waited for the results and go over them with the nurse. Opps. No one told me that. Turns out everything looks ok. My white blood count was a bit low but not low enough that I need a blood transfusion. That is good news. But then she tells me my chemo is next week! The 13th!! Wait?! What?! I was under the impression that I would get three weeks off. She said Dr. D. wanted me to check into the hospital on Monday. Wait?! What?! I thought we were going to try out-patient. Help!  As you know, I  wanted, needed, it to be out-patient. The Boy did not do well with me being gone and him not being able to come into my room and spend time with me. FaceTime is great and all but it does not compare to actually being there with him. So I asked the nurse to ask Dr. D. about the out-patient plan.


And she said yes! I will have to go in for 7 days straight for a 3 hour chemo treatment. It will be a long week but I will be able to sleep in my bed and pee in my bathroom and not have to write it down every time I go. Both HUGE things. I will be hooked up to fluids and medicine via my port while I am not getting my chemo treatment. What does that mean? I will carry a little purse thing that will be hooked up to an IV that will run to port (I will post pictures). That means no showers. Stinky! Sponge baths for me for the week.


No baths for me!

I look forward to telling Dr. D. how I am feeling, especially about how my pain has gone down. I still have pain but I am not taking as many pain killers throughout the day and that makes me very happy. I am sleeping better, not having as many night sweats and not having to take naps during the day. Now, I am guessing when chemo starts back up, all that will go out the window but I am enjoying it now!

Tomorrow is Friday! Yeah! We love our Friday’s here at Hotel Yorba. I hope you all have a great one and a nice weekend. Be good. Be safe.

Team Shay Warriors Facebook Page

Readers! It was chilly in the ATL this morning. I am in charge of dropping off The Boy to school for the week. My Man has to be downtown by am for a work function. it was pretty dark out too. It always feels strange to drop off your son at school in the dark.


After I posted my last post I realized I forgot some information. I will blame it on chemo brain. First of all, Team Hotel Yorba! It was made up of My Dad, my friend Alan V. and Me. As I told you yesterday, I rode 3 miles. My dad rode 30 miles and Alan V. knocked it out of the park by riding 101 miles!! Wait? What? Yes people 101 miles. He was a rock star. I am hoping we can count on him for next years team.

Those I ride for!

Those I ride for!

I have already signed up for the 2015 24 Hours of Booty and set up a Team page. This year we will be called Team Shay Warriors. I started a Team Shay Warriors Facebook page so make sure you do check it out and like us. I will be posting about fundraising for 2015 24 Hours of Booty. I also want to post positive cancer related stories, ideas, suggestions etc. I want it to be a happy place where people can go and smile. If you come across any story, organization, group etc., that would fit on our page, let me know. I will also take cute cat pictures because who doesn’t love those.

I am feeling pretty good. I think my pain has eased off (hard to tell when you are taking pain meds). I am not taking as many pain pills as before. Does that mean the tumors are shrinking? The one on my back still seems to be the same size…I think, it is hard to tell. My breathing is betting better. I still get short of breath but the weezing has gone away. My cough has also all but disappeared. The main thing I am dealing with now, is my mouth. It is killing me. Brushing my teeth (even with my super awesome soft toothbrushes from Jennifer C.) hurts like hell. I am not sure if I am doing all that great of a job. My gums are so sore so eating is tough too. It should only last a few more days (I hope) if memory serves me right.

I know that many of you have donated to my 2014 ride and I do not expect you to donate to my 2015 ride till 2015 (please!) but I wanted to put my page link out there. Remember, it’s a tax right off! My personal 24 Hours of Booty page. If you know of any organizations that donate money for charitable organizations, please let me know. I know my company and My Man’s company match donations. I hope you all had a great Tuesday.It was supposed to rain here in the ATL but the sun is still shinning.

Be Safe and Be Good Readers!!

Team Shay & 24 Hours of Booty!!




Readers! What weekend I had! It started out on Friday with my Facebook exploding with photo’s of some of you wearing Warrior Team Shay T-shirts and a video to go along with it. WOW! I was in shock, awe and tears! Lots of tears. You guys are the best! A big shout out to Calanit H., who brought you all together, Jaime G., for creating the video and Brad & Angie H. for making the T-shirts and bracelets. It really means a lot to me and my family, I can’t even begin to tell you. Y’all are super crazy and I love it.

Booty Swag!

Booty Swag!

On Friday my dad and I went and picked up our swag bags from Peachtree Bikes for 24 Hours of Booty!! Since I had so many generous people in my life, I ended up reaching the $3,000.00 donation designation. I got an awesome biking jersey and 24 Hours of Booty Jacket. I think my dad was a bit green with envy. The people at registration were super nice. I ended up showing them my video that was made and they put it on the Booty Website! How cool is that! Friday was a rainy day but the weather forecast was saying that Saturday and Sunday would be ok.

Team Hotel Yorba

Team Hotel Yorba

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Our tent in Bootyville!

Our tent in Bootyville!


Teammate Allan

We got to Bootyville around 10:45am and found that many people had already put up their tents and were chilling out. The tent I ended up getting was pretty damn big. I mean, we could have hosted and family of three in the damn thing. I give us (my dad and My Man did 99%) a A- when it comes to putting it together. I think out little homestead was super nice…when the sun was out and the wind wasn’t blowing our tent over. The ride started at 2pm. The sun was out but the wind was out too. Very windy and chilly.


Allan and I waiting for the ride to begin.


Dad and I are ready!

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We are off!


My Dad

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My goal was to ride one lap. I didn’t think it would be a big issue till a few days before the ride aka less than a week after chemo. Ugh. Can’t breath. Walking up the stairs, to the bathroom, ANY WHERE and had me almost gasping for breath. That and my left leg was acting up. It was swelling and since it is stuck inside my prosthetic there is no where for it to go. It hurts people, really hurts. Burns. Well, that was happening the day of the ride up until the start. I was very worried. My parents and My Man were telling me I didn’t have to ride but I really wanted to. I wanted to prove it to myself that I was stronger than cancer and my disability. That neither of them were going to stop me. I started off pretty good. We hit a small hill and a sharp right turn right away. There were some nice down hills in the beginning too. My leg stopped hurting once I started biking. Yeah! My breathing…not to much. It was hard to breath but the down hills seemed to be placed at the perfect time for me to recover. We came to a right turn by the Library and I thought we were almost done. I was like “Yeah! I will do another lap. No problem.” Then they made us turn left. “No! I want to go straight!” The left turn was into a very hilly neighborhood that had three areas of cobblestones. Cobblestone! What is this, the Tour de France? It was tough for this rider. My two fellow teammates, who did not leave my side the entire time, kept asking me was I ok. What was it? The heavy breathing? The fact that my bike was barely moving and I was ready to fall over, that concerned them. I told them I was ok and that I would not stop. And I didn’t. I did not stop and soon we made our way to the finish line. I had done it! I finished a lap and I got off that bike, sat down and did not move for 30 minutes. I think it took that long to get my breathing back to normal.

I did it!

I did it!

Throughout the day some friends came out to visit. It was so nice for them to show up and support Team Hotel Yorba! Thank you!






I ended up winning the Rookie of the Year award! Wait What? Yes! Because of my wonderful friends and family I raised $3,100.00 and won award. How cool is that?

Rookie of the Year!

Rookie of the Year!

The weekend was great. The weather was cold. My Man, The Boy and I slept in our tent Saturday night and almost froze our asses off. It was so cold. My mom and dad did the smart thing I drove back to our place but The Boy wanted to stay, so we stayed. Next year if it is that cold we are not staying. Looking back on it, I should have gone home. Not the smartest thing for a girl under going chemo to do.

We are already planning on next years ride and fundraising. We want to be the number one team next year in fundraising. The top teams this year aren’t even from the ATL! What? What? That can’t happen next year. So, if you want to join our team let me know. I will be registering for the ride soon and will set up our team. I think we are changing the name to Team Shay Warriors. What do you think?